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Sound of the Week Practice


Every two weeks, we will be learning about a new sound in the French language. This page will be updated every two weeks to match the sound that we are learning about in class. Here you will find the following resources: one song, one reading. We will also be studying two different poems in class. The poems will be sent home in your child's "La Lecture" cahier at the end of our two weeks of study - you may use these in the future for reading practice! :) These resources are exactly what we are using everyday and will allow your child to practice reading and speaking the French sound we are studying in class. 

le 27 mai - 7 juin - le son <<ille>>
le 13 mai - 24 mai - le son <<au, eau>>
le 29 avril - 10 mai - le son <<ou>>
le 15 avril - 26 avril - le son <<è, ê, ei, ai>>
Ève Escargot (song)
le 1er avril - 12 avril - le son <<é>>
Émilie Éléphant (song)
Émilie Éléphant (reading)
le 18 mars - 29 mars - le son <<oi>>
Benoît Oiseau (song)
Benoît Oiseau (reading)

le 25 fevrier - 8 mars - le son <<in>>

Alain Singe (song)

Alain Singe (reading)

le 11 - 22 fevrier - le son <<on>>

Gaston Cochon (song)
Gaston Cochon (reading)
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